Hey folks! I'm so proud of our kids. It's been awesome to watch these guys grow; physically getting taller and in watching their comfort zones expand and their singing and speaking abilities just getting better and better! This year's auditions were much harder for us - there are only 8 speaking parts and only a handful of solos which just makes it harder to choose from so many that did so very well... On to the results:
First, the speaking parts --
The Angel Gabriel........................Rebekah Branch
The Arch-angel Michael, head Angel.........Emily Brown
Sara, head of the Seraphim...............Natalie Lanier
Cherry, head of the Cherubim...............Anna Everly
Harold, head of the Herald Angels............Georgia Griffin
Moses...........Will Hobbs
Isaiah..........David Atkinson
Musical Solos --
Michael's Called a Meeting........................Rebekah Branch
"I" Trouble.......................................Amelia McCorvey
Jiswannano........................................Megan Snider
If It Were Up to Me..............Natalie Lanier, Kinsey Charnes,
Kathryn Haberman and Rachel Anderson
Close to Him......................................Emily Brown
Angels Aware!.....................................Rebekah Branch
Even if your singer didn't get a part there's still certainly a lot to memorize since the entire cast responds to some of the dialogue and of course the songs will need to be memorized as well. Things are shaping up just amazingly well and I know this is going to be a great year! Blessings, R
P.S. By now, you should all have scripts, Listening CD's and Singer Family Handbooks - let us know if you need something!