Our attendance was quite a bit larger at the Pneuma rehearsal yesterday afternoon. We sang several songs, focusing on the ones we’ll sing for Palm Sunday, April 5, at both services. Mr. Matt directed us through two skits highlighting the Upper Room and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. I think it’s fantastic that these kids not only get to hear the scripture but that they get to walk and talk through it; to live through it. What a great way to see and to understand what was going on! Next Sunday, March 29 will be our last rehearsal before Palm Sunday, so we’ll really need to have everyone there. On the 5th, we’ll meet at 8:15 and 10:45 promptly with our Pneuma shirts and khakis on (new shirts will be provided for those singers joining us since the last time in worship). See you there!
Pneuma won’t be rehearsing on the afternoons of Palm Sunday or Easter and we’ll have a parents meeting the next Sunday, April 19 at 3:45pm in Horton Hall. We’ll be shaping the future of the program together, so I’m sure all our parents will want to attend!
By the way, the dates for Vacation Bible School Safari have been set for July 12-16. If you’d like to be a part of our Motion Team, let me know right away. All that’s required is a love of kids and a desire to have fun together (while jumping around a bit!).