Hey folks! Great job these last two Sundays! This last Sunday was even better than the week before, which set us up well for another great rehearsal. We're working on Ken Medema's "Lost Coin". The youngest choir, Joyful Noise, will sing the Chorus/Refrain and the rest (grades 2-5) will sing the verses. We'll be working on the pieces from "Wise Guys and Starry Skies" as well, with 4 tunes for Joyful Noise, 7 for grades 2-3 and 10 for the 5th graders.
We'll have CD's for everyone at the next rehearsal, as well as scripts appropriate for each group. Each week, the order for rehearsal will be: 3-3:45 5th grade only (speaking parts, singing and blocking) 3:45-4pm All arrive; Mission oriented arrival activities 4-4:30 Jeanette in Rm 8 ( 2-3 grade); Carrie Beth Atkinson in Choir Room (Joyful Noise); Matt Hamilton in Horton Hall (4-5 grade) 4:30-5:00 Jeanette (4-5 g); Ronn in Choir Room (2-3 g); Matt (Joyful Noise) 5:00-5:30 Jeanette (JN), Ronn (4-5g); Matt (2-3g)
Feel free to call or e-mail with any questions -- ronnalford@bellsouth.net
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