Hey folks!
Pneuma will have two more rehearsals, Wednesdays April 6 and 13, to prepare for their last services they'll sing for this season. We'll meet this Sunday, April 10 at 10:30 in the choir room ready to sing. Since Pneuma, YouthPraise AND the Chancel Choir will be singing, we'll need to use every moment as well as we can (so please be there on time!). Pneuma will be singing the prelude and offertory (at the 11:00 am service ONLY - not at 8:30 at all). For the prelude, they'll come in the sanctuary with the Pnuema staff and go straight up to the piano side of the pulpit and sing and then go sit with their parents until the first note of their song, "God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale" is played by the bells. They should have plenty of time to walk to their place to the piano side of the pulpit (which means you'll want to sit on the piano side so you can see them best!) in time to sing their 2 stanzas. While the Chancel Choir sings the third stanza, they'll make their way back to your seat. I hope you can all make it (and further hope you'll RSVP to ronnalford@bellsouth.net to let me know for sure!!!) and am confident you'll all enjoy the fruits of their work this season. Their will be one more rehearsal after that, Wednesday April 13 so that we can prepare a sing for Palm Sunday and help close up the season. Don't forget to have your singer in their uniform (Pneuma shirts and khakis - shirts will be provided for those who don't have one at no cost). Thanks for all your help and support, R
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